Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My apologies

I'm so sorry that we've been off the radar lately! Things have been crazy busy around here. We moved this weekend and are still trying to settle into our new house. Pure insanity. We wouldn't have been able to make it without the help of JT's parents. BIG TIME life savers. Thank you!

In addition to that, we also:

*had JT's birthday (woohoo!)
*attended Anderson's birthday dinner
*attended Zach's birthday party
*attended Colin's baby blessing
*took the twins to the dentist (yikes. Delilah bit him twice before I realized what was happening)
*took the twins for a surgery consultation at Primary Children's Hospital...only Delilah needs it now

So it'll be a bit before we're in the full swing of normal around here. Oh wait, JT is on the hunt for a specific box. Off I go again!